Opportunity Connections
Opportunity Connections
Opportunity Connections is a 24-week pilot where Opportunity Youth, supportive adults,
and industry stakeholders learn about the importance of social capital and engage in
reciprocal activities that lead to economic and social success. Participants learn how to
analyze their social networks and learn strategies to engage key connections for equity and
improved economic opportunities for all involved.
Social Capital Connect
Social Capital Connect
A growing body of research points to the importance of social capital for economic mobility and long-term career success. Social Capital Connect teaches adult job seekers, dislocated workers and returning citizens about the importance of social capital and provides coaching on embracing it to support mutual economic and social gain.
Social Capital for Entrepreneurial Success
Social Capital for Entrepreneurial Success
A lack of social capital — networks of relationships with potential investors, seasoned advisors and reputable contractors — is a major reason why 90 percent of small businesses fail, according to Dun and Bradstreet, the business data research firm. The SCES Academy is a one-of-a-kind program designed to help entrepreneurs seeking to start-up or scale up their businesses. SCES trains and supports entrepreneurs, over a six-month period, in leveraging social capital to grow their connections, reach, and profit margins. Experts in marketing, sales, contract procurement, law, accounting, business development, hiring, and financing serve as Opportunity Guides to SCES entrepreneurs.
Register for the June 12 SCES Session here.
Know Your Network
Know Your Network
The key connections companies need to achieve diversity, equity, and inclusion goals are not normally in their network. Conversely, we know the connections that many BIPOC job seekers need to achieve economic equity are definitely not in theirs. Since social capital is about reciprocity, both parties in the social capital-building equation need a little help if they are open to receiving it.
KYN helps industry stakeholders and BIPOC job seekers uncover strategies to better reach and engage populations who are not normally in their network through SCB’s social network analysis and social capital-building training and software solutions.
Hub Central
Hub Central
Social capital is a critical asset in the effort to curb violence and promote economic opportunities in cities access the U.S. In partnership with the Academy for Transformational Change, SCB trains violence prevention workers/credible messengers and their managers on the importance of social capital and assists them in developing it with a wide range of stakeholders inside and outside of their communities.
Social Capital Cash Club
Social Capital Cash Club
The most successful community organizations know that no amount of resources can match the power of authentic youth engagement – and they know that an asset-based approach
Serves youth and their communities best. The Social Capital Cash Club was founded by SCB interns in 2021 who wanted to use the power of youth involvement, positive peer pressure, and youth involvement to educate their peers and industry stakeholders about the importance of social capital and provide strategies for its growth.
Special Projects
Special Projects
In partnership with Health Tech Alley and a small grant funded by Howard County’s Youth Engagement Programming (YEP) initiative, Social Capital Builders will provide 25 Howard County youth ages 17-21 with social capital literacy training and coaching for 18 months.
This program aims to increase Howard County youth’s connection to industry stakeholders who can support their career development efforts.
For more information on the program, or to support its expansion, please email
This program aims to increase Howard County youth’s connection to industry stakeholders who can support their career development efforts.
For more information on the program, or to support its expansion, please email